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Video – Weezer “Pork and Beans” June 7, 2008

Posted by eric22222 in General, Video.

Not too long ago, Weezer released the music video for their song “Pork and Beans” to the hungry internet masses. What makes this video post-worthy is that it incorporates some of the more famous YouTube videos from the past few years, going so far as to recruit some of those Internet celebrities to make an appearance. First the music video, then I’ll break it down into the originals.

The first parodied video is “One Man Band,” which is new to me.

The “Numa Numa” video was really popular for a long time. Gary Brolsma lip-synced the Romanian song “Dragostea din Tei” and gained Internet celebrity status.

The dramatic prairie dog was a five second clip from a Japanese TV show, but those five seconds went viral, making that one very famous prairie dog.

“Afroninja” was a surprisingly popular clip, now at over 3 million views.

“Diet Coke + Mentos,” at 6 million views, just demonstrates the reaction of these two chemicals coming in contact with one another.

There were several “G.I. Joe Public Service Anouncements” floating around the web, but this is the one parodied in the video.

“Guiness World Record for most T-Shirts worn at one time.” This one was new to me as well.

Other videos that appeared:

Leave Britney Alone

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

Miss Teen South Carolina

Evolution of Dance

Chocolate Rain

Daft Hands – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

K-Fed Popoza


Will It Blend?

Sneezing Panda

Charlie The Unicorn

Daft Punk – Harder Bodies Faster Stronger

Star Wars Kid


1. coffee - January 4, 2009

i nominate Chocolate rain as the #1 most likely song to get stuck in a person’s head

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